As we all know there is a lot of interest in trying to get a handle on third party vendor risk......from the vendor perspective and the customer perspective. At Arctic Security we are working with Venseca to update our HECVAT, External Reports on our cyber hygiene and to top it off to get an analysis of our status from Venseca with a "seal of approval". Now when a potential customer says, "can you send us your HECVAT? We can respond within seconds with a link to the Venseca Platform and we will have transparency to our customers about our status. This is a win / win.....we save time and our customers can trust that we are trustworthy regarding our cyber status. I will share our results with theDTE so everybody can see the next level of managing third party vendor risk. Feel free to weigh in and or reach out anytime with questions.
Posted by Pat Healy at 2024-05-30 12:22:05 UTC